Product:Programmable 10-Cup Coffee Maker with Built-in Burr Grinder– Homtone
The main reason why a Homtone drip coffee maker develops scale is due to the minerals in the water, such as calcium and magnesium, precipitating out when heated. These deposits accumulate over time inside the coffee maker, affecting water flow and heating efficiency, which in turn impacts the taste and brewing speed of the coffee.
How to remove scale?
Prepare a descaling solution: You can use a specialized descaling agent, or mix equal parts of white vinegar and water as a cleaning solution.
Fill the reservoir: Pour the descaling solution into the coffee maker's water reservoir.
Run a cleaning cycle: Turn on the coffee maker and start it up, allowing the descaling solution to circulate through the machine's internal components, typically for a few minutes.
Rinse: After the cleaning cycle is complete, discard the solution from the reservoir, refill it with plain water, and run the machine several times to ensure all residual cleaning agents are flushed out.
Regular cleaning: It is recommended to perform a thorough descaling every 2-3 months to maintain the performance of the coffee maker and the quality of the coffee.
By regularly cleaning and descaling, you can effectively extend the lifespan of the coffee maker and ensure the quality of each cup of coffee.